Monday, September 8, 2008

Shots update & overview of our weekend

So I guess I spoke(blogged) too soon. Every shot since that very first one has hurt and almost all have bled. So there goes the idea of this being super easy. Betsy, really, you are an amazing woman to have been able to do this several times a day for years!!! I will be glad when I finally get pregnant and don't have to do it anymore!!
Now for the update: I went to the Doctor on Sunday morning and they did an ultrasound and took my blood to check my Estrogen levels. The u/s didn't look very promising, but when they got my blood work back they said my estrogen levels had risen, so I am due back in tomorrow (Tuesday) morning to do the u/s and blood work again and see if we need to raise the dosage I am taking, or if we are good! I am really excited!!
Now for the rest of my weekend...We didn't have any plans and I was talking to mom about maybe trying to get to the Yellow Daisy Festival, but really the main thing I wanted to do was clean the house and get to my Dr. appt. However, Kev & I ended up spending most of the weekend up at mom & dad's installing their hardwood floor. (I guess Kev & I now have a side job of installing hardwood floors!! Actually, I don't know how people do that sort of manual labor all the time. I hurt all over!!) Dad was supposed to have someone installing the wood for them, which is why we didn't get started on the job when we were up at my parents house visiting with Betsy and the boys last weekend, but they couldn't figure out how to make it work so they gave up. They were some young kids who I guess only ever installed regular nail down style hardwood floors and not the floating style. So my house is still dirty and I didn't go shopping-most likely a good thing-I don't have the money to shop or the space to put anything!- but all we have left to do at mom and dad's house is putting down the quarter round and transition boards. Dad has them on order, so I guess we will try to do that when they get back from Uganda depending on when the boards come in. We actually still need a few transition boards for our living room and I desperately need to clean and then I really will try to get pictures up! I think both rooms turned out great!
Sunday really turned out to be a great day. I got to talk to all my sisters at one point or another on Sunday and I also spoke to Grandma & Grandpa B. I got the good news from the Dr. that something is working right since at least my Estrogen level is going up, and got to spend the afternoon/evening with some of my favorite people in the world! So even though I was tired, sore, and a little grumpy from lack of sleep, I think it was a great day! (We got home from mom & dad's close to 1AM on Sat night/Sun morning and I had to get up to go to the Dr. at 6:30-o.k. I realize all you parents out there will think that I am a bit of a baby and what am I thinking since that sounds like over 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep-but we are not parents yet and I am used to getting 7 hours a night or more if possible-Am I really ready for this whole becoming a parent thing is yet to be determined, but I think I am!?!)


Andysbethy said...

I love you! You are just so cute. I hope the shots are getting easier. It is so annoying when they bleed, because they you are left wondering if you even got what you needed, or if it all bled back out. That is so frustrating!
I can't wait to come see the floors, both at your house and at Mom's. Until then, get them finished and take some pictures, so at least I can get a generalized idea, okay?
I have MOPS tomorrow morning, but I will call you after that and want to hear what the Doc's have to say, okay? Keep your chin up sis!

Unknown said...

Ha ha! Yeah, I am again spoiled by my kids because they sleep for 10-12 hours a night now. I have to say that the MOST difficult adjustment for me when Katie was born was the lack of sleep. I have always been a lover of SLEEP (still am) so it was really hard getting used to 2 hr increments at first. But, then, at least you have a precious little helpless blessing causing it and not just your own craziness. It is easier to have sympathy with a baby during the day than it is to have sympathy for anyone ELSE.

Chrissy said...

Don't worry about the whole 'ready' thing. Are we all really ever 'ready'? Anyway, just think of how you will feel when you get less than 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night, lol, but you just have to go on. You do it b/c you love that baby/babies. I hope all is going well for you. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Have a great week.