Yesterday when I got home from work there was a lovely package waiting for me.
The blocks from the Owl Block Swap arrived!!

They turned out so great! I am excited about putting them together into a finished project!! Thanks APP for being the swap mama for this, you are so sweet!
Mandy, Rachel & I had planned a sewing night for Thursday evening, in the end Rachel wasn't able to come, but Mandy and I had a great time sewing and chatting. (Sorry you couldn't make it Rach, we missed you!)
Mandy worked on piecing a quilt and I finished sewing together my PWG blocks from the No Sew Block Swap.

Now I just have to decide how I want to piece all of these together into a finished product!
The blocks from the Owl Block Swap arrived!!

Mandy, Rachel & I had planned a sewing night for Thursday evening, in the end Rachel wasn't able to come, but Mandy and I had a great time sewing and chatting. (Sorry you couldn't make it Rach, we missed you!)
Mandy worked on piecing a quilt and I finished sewing together my PWG blocks from the No Sew Block Swap.

1 comment:
Hi Emiliee! I'm just stopping by to say "hi" and let you know I'm adding you to my Blogroll. I keep forgetting to do that, so I'm doing it today while I'm thinking of it.
I LOVE the owls! Owls for some reason are on the top of my list as a theme for doing some quilting, so I hope to do something with them soon.
Also, I LOVE the portrait quilt you linked to that your friend did. The one I'm working on is supposed to replicate a photo, but I would love to do something more modern like she did for my next one.
I am loving your blog and now that I found you, I'm happy to be reading : )
Hope you had a lovely weekend. I'll be out of town next weekend so I'll miss the meeting, but I hope to see you soon!
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