Today started out like any other day...shower, run to work (a little late as usual)

worked all day

thought about the million things I need to do like:
catch up on my bible reading...

actually work out (I always feel the need-yet never seem to actually make the time for it!)...

purchase our train tickets for our European trip...

find the time to wait around on hold a million years so I can speak with a Bally's agent who will
h o p e f u l l y
f i n a l l y
a c t u a l l y
cancel my contract (since I thought I did three months ago and yet they just keep taking money from my account each month)...

get some pictures from Mary Faith and post all about my weekend trip to Charleston SC with my baby sister Mare Mare...

wait for it...
here is where it gets good...
things started looking up.
On the way home from work this evening...
I picked up the new Imogen Heap cd at Target...

Bryers ice cream was on sale at Kroger for $2.27 each...

and I saw a rainbow when I was almost home.

I sure do love my life!
AWESOME! Love it!
Wow. That ROCKS!! I would enjoy any of those. All three in a row sound wonderful.
Call me little sister. I need an Emilee fix.
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