Thursday, May 14, 2009

My house is feeling a little better about itself!

I still have a million and one projects either in mid-project or on the to do list, but my house is feeling a little more self-confident today!

Kevin finished laying, nailing down and caulking the quarter-round in the kitchen the past two nights and I actually cleaned the house yesterday! (I was able to get off early, so I had to take advantage of the extra time at home and do some cleaning, still not the deep Spring cleaning I know it needs, but at least there isn't a layer of dust on everything anymore!) I have also been busy sewing some little projects when I got home from work each day this week. I will try to remember to get a picture of everything to post-but I will have to do some more cleaning first! There are still project supplies (home depot bags with little "goodies" inside) and everything from my pantry floor laying everywhere right now! Plus there is a step ladder in the living room where Kevin had to cut into the ceiling (still a big hole there) to fix a leak in our master shower drain! It has been busy around here!!

I hope to get to some more projects this weekend (I really want to work on the sewing room-it is a HUGE mess and Kevin finished building my new sewing table so I just need to decide where I want it, if I want to paint or stain it, if I have a stool that will work for the height I wanted it to be, or if it will need to be cut down...all that jazz!) and maybe my house will really feel good then, but for now at least there is a little boost in self-esteem since Kevin & I have been busy little bees around here. As I was cleaning I realized that the big project I really need to take on is painting-pretty much every room needs a fresh coat of paint-but that big project will have to wait for now, too many other little projects in the works right now!


Carrie said...

ha ha..I just have to say that I LOVE the title of this post! It made me smile really big!

Andysbethy said...

You are so adorable!
Don't forget that this weekend is booked... no working on the house allowed. You have to spend all your time with your nephew and sisters!